Monday, September 20, 2010

3rd Birthday

Happy Birthday my sweet Alana!!!!!

What a fun birthday party we had for our little 3 year old! She had so much fun with her cousins playing and dancing and just having a really fun time. And of course what's a birthday without cake, ice cream and presents!! Hope you enjoy all the pictures :) Oh and thank you so much to my wonderful sister Nancy for taking pictures for us of the party.

Here are just a few things that Alana loves and does:

- Singing and Dancing
- Sings ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, and Wise Man and Foolish Man, and many other songs
- Love's playing with ALL her cousins
- Can go potty in the toilet for about 6 months now
- Loves Nursery
- Favorite foods are Noodles, Fruit, Meat, Crackers and of course Candy!!
- Loves to help mommy bake
- Cuddles with mommy every morning
- Is starting to recognize letters
- LOVES playing in the dirt and sand!
- Always has to "play" with her belly button when falling asleep (kinda her pacifier)
- and of course loves watching Diego!! (and Dora, and Little Bear, and ... just about anything!)
even watched Bambi last night and loved it.

Beautiful Smile!!
Lot's of cousins and Aunt's and Uncle's
More cousins
Yummy Pizza!
Fun on her riding toy

Opening gifts
More gifts...
She loves what she got!!!

Alana's Diego/Dora Cake...
That mommy made! Everyone LOVED the rocks!!!
Fun with Blowers
Mmmm Cake :)
Must of been good!!


Are You Serious! said...

Wow how fun! I can't believe how long her hair is! 3... so she's a sumbeam pretty soon! Crazy huh??? :)

tchutchins said...

Holy Cow! Nice cake, that is awesome! I love her beautiful hair, she is so cute!

Summer said...

Oh Alana is just beautiful! What a sweet little girl! her little cherry barrets are adorable!